
There is no small print here


There is no small print here

The booking price includes: 
  • bed­ding
  • tow­els
  • final clean­ing
  • Con­sump­tion costs for elec­tric­i­ty, water and heating
  • Basic ser­vice items:
    toi­let paper, kitchen roll, dish­wash­er tabs, wash­ing-up liq­uid, kitchen tow­els, etc.

Information on the binding booking/reservation contract:

We make a bind­ing reser­va­tion after receiv­ing a deposit, which we will invoice accord­ing to the book­ing order.

Please note that your book­ing becomes bind­ing after pay­ment of the required deposit.

The invoice amount is due in cash or by debit/credit card no lat­er than when the keys are hand­ed over. We are hap­py to accept your bank trans­fer well in advance of your arrival.

The basis of the reser­va­tion con­tract is the book­ing confirmation.

Arrival and depar­ture times:

The apart­ment is avail­able from 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and until 11:00 a.m. on the day of depar­ture. Just ask us whether the apart­ment may be avail­able longer or earlier.

Rules for using WiFi:

We will report the down­load­ing of ille­gal films or oth­er violations.

By book­ing in our hol­i­day home, par­ents agree that they are liable for the use of the apart­ment by their children.

The guests/people who are stay­ing in our hol­i­day home at the time of proven mis­use or who have booked the house are liable for any violations.

In this case, the rel­e­vant book­ing details will be passed on to our lawyer and the legal costs will be charged.

Every guest who books with us accepts this procedure.

You can­not start your trip?

We rec­om­mend tak­ing out trav­el can­cel­la­tion insurance.


If the book­ing is can­celled before 10 p.m. up to 7 days before check-in, there are no costs. If you can­cel less than 7 days before check-in, a fee of 20% of the total amount will be due. If you can­cel less than 1 day before check-in, a fee of 100% of the total amount will be due.

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