The garden

on the over 2200m² large property

In the big garden 

there is a lot to discover. 

The more than 1700m² gar­den has some cozy spots. Sev­er­al ter­races, a small pool (only in sum­mer), a tram­po­line (not in win­ter), a ham­mock, sun loungers, a tree house and a play­house with a sandpit.

In the small for­est, chil­dren (or even adults) can splash in the dirt to their heart’s con­tent and expe­ri­ence the ele­ments of nature up close.

A large gas grill is avail­able on a terrace.

On request, a small fire can be lit in the evening.

Gas grill, tram­po­line, pool and table ten­nis table are only avail­able in the warmer months.

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